Silverlight Vs Flash


“Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.”

Silverlight Vs Flash discussions are all over the web now. Here is a post with lots of links to some of the decent comments on the subject: Silverlight Vs Flash

Microsoft Eyeing Adobe Territory?

Microsoft has reportedly started shipping the Expression Web, the first product from the Expression Studio suite, aimed at capturing the design software market presently dominated by Adobe.

Expression Web can be used by Web developers to build sites in compliance with various industry standards, including XHTML and CSS, and for compatibility with specific browsers.

Along with this, Microsoft has also announced pricing and availability of its Expression Studio line-up for creative professionals.

Expression Studio suite is regarded as a key component in Microsoft’s strategy for improving the user experience delivered by applications, and provides designers with an end-to-end tools platform that boosts collaboration with developers in the delivery of next-generation user experiences for the Web, Windows Vista applications, and beyond.

Apart from Expression Web, Expression Studio includes Expression Blend (formally Interactive Designer) for designing rich interactive experiences for Windows; Expression Design (formally Graphic Designer) for the design of visual elements for Web and Windows experiences; and a new tool, Expression Media, which provides digital asset management, and unifies team workflow across the suite.

Expression Blend and Expression Design include an enhanced user interface crafted specifically for professional designers. Expression Blend Beta 1 and the Expression Design December 2006 community technology preview (CTP) are available for download.

Expression Media, based on the iView MediaPro product, supports more than 100 media formats, and provides offline access to visual catalogs. It also includes Expression Media Encoder, which is a complete solution for the preparation, encoding, and deployment of rich video and audio for Web and Windows experiences. The first CTP of Expression Media is expected in early 2007.

Expression Web is shipping for an estimated retail price of $299; and qualifying users of FrontPage can upgrade to Expression Web for an estimated retail price of $99. Expression Blend will ship in the second quarter of 2007 for an estimated retail price of $499 and Expression Media for an estimated retail price of $299.

The Expression Studio Suite is expected in the second quarter of 2007, and will be available for an estimated retail price of $599. For those who have purchased Expression Web and other qualifying Microsoft products, the complete suite will be available as an upgrade for an estimated retail price of $349.

The first CTP of Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere (WPF/E), a cross-platform browser plug-in for delivering rich media, animation, and video content has also been made available. Supported by Expression Media and Expression Design for authoring content, the WPF/E can be downloaded from